
Instant Meme

This is a proverbial weekend project. It allows creating and changing memes easily. Here's an example:

Notice the url: the GET parameters look like this: source=[image_url]&top=[top_text]&bottom=[bottom_text]. You can also throw in &white=1 to make the text white instead of black. This allows for very quick meme changing - all you need to do is change the url.

The code is available on github: https://github.com/gabipurcaru/instantmeme (the code is very 100 line-ish long, I've only implemented it to play around with Go)


Play radio in the shell

Banshee is overkill for just playing radio (honestly I don't know what it's not overkill for). A lightweight solution is DeaDBeeF, but it was quite unstable the last time I checked. So I began looking for a shell solution. And I found two:

  1. mocp (sudo apt-get install moc on Ubuntu). I find mocp a great music player, way better (and sometimes easier to use!) than many "modern" music players.
  2. GStreamer (should be installed by default on Ubuntu). I've found a neat article about playing a radio station, and you basically have to use this: gst-launch-0.10 -v playbin2 uri=[the_station_url]